STAIRS and SUSTAINABILITY 1 – 2010 Green Living Conference

When designing and manufacturing staircases, where possible Signature Stairs takes the time to make staircases which are more sustainable, minimising a project’s impact ‘footprint’. We believe improvements in sustainability can be made all the time and not necessarily by incurring any additional cost or inconvience. All that is required is a little extra thought and planning when procuring your staircase project

At the Master Builders “Green Living” Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre in August 2010, we gave our thoughts on what some of the current sustainability issues are relating to the “staircase”, and also provided some practical ways we as consumers and industry professionals can drive positive change.

If you would like to find out more about Stairs and Sustainability, please see below our presentation, PART 1 (10mins) & PART 2 (9 mins).

PART 1 – Stairs and Sustainability Presentation – Master Builders Green Living Conference (August 2010)